Imagine a world in which you feel alive, cared for, connected and empowered to create your dreams.
Imagine a world in which people feel safe to love, share and contribute to make the world a better place.
Imagine a world that is ALIVE with possibility, gratitude and adventure.
World Alive has been established to create spaces for imagining, dreaming and creating this world. These spaces include personal coaching, retreats, workshops and virtual spaces to share ideas and resources. These may be spaces we create ourselves or in collaboration with other like-minded people and communities.
The founders of World Alive have been transforming individuals, teams and organisations for over 20 years and continue to explore, learn and evolve continuously through various local and global inner and outer adventures.
Empowering people to build awareness, integrity, courage and commitment to:
care for self, others and their communities,
connect learn and create in win-win relationships
create a life of passion, contribution & abundance